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Writer's pictureRory Grooters

Biblical Certainties in Uncertain times

With everything happening over the last 17 months, many people are Uncertain about the future, wondering if it’s all just coincidences or calculated and coordinated efforts to radically change our country and the world. While either may or may not be true, let’s get some Certainties by considering the following scriptures. Starting with what Jesus said in John 16:33In this world you will have trouble, but don’t lose heart. I have overcome the world.”

This world has been filled with trouble since Genesis 3 because it's filled with sin, sinfulness and imperfection. It’s like this because humanity is sinful, sin filled and imperfect. Being a Christian doesn’t immune anyone from problems with pain; personally, or politically, their own or someone else's. Jesus was born into the same sinful, sin filled, hurtful, harmful, deceitful, disease ridden, dictatorial world. But he overcame it and promises to share his victory with us. 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, “Thanks be to God who always causes us to Triumph in Christ Jesus” Our 1st certainty is times of trouble and triumph!

Also remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:6-12, “There will be wars & rumors of wars. These things must happen. As they are the beginnings of birth pains. Because of the increase of evil, and wickedness, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who stands firm to the end will be Saved (Resurrection or Raptured). This Gospel will be preached to all nations, then the end will come.”

Some wonder where we are on the Eschatological timeline of history. How close are we to the “End Times” Tribulation in Revelation? We’ve been on a collision course with it since 70 to 73AD. Things described in Revelation 13 don’t just happen overnight. Everything has a run up, a process over time of perceived need and change. Since Genesis chapters 3 and 11, the centerpiece of this has been “Secular Humanism” that’s summarized with its eventual demise in Revelation 18. Back in the 1st century, the Christians in Thessalonica thought they were living in the end times and had missed the Rapture of the Church. The Holy Spirit through Paul gave them clarification and Certainties in their Uncertain times in 1st & 2nd Thessalonians.

At the end of the 19th century, Secular Humanism was redefined by modern, anti-western, anti-God, anti-capitalist, anti-democracy, German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche who wrote ways to change a nation; by Controlling the Money, the Media, the Morality, the Spirituality and Society, by treating people as classes and races of socio ethnic groups, rather than as individuals (a.k.a. Critical Race Theory). This philosophy influenced and inspired Karl Marx (Marxism) & Joseph Stalin of the Bolshevik revolution that introduced Communism to Russia in 1917 and Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. After WW2 this philosophy inspired Mao Tzekung the first Dictator of Communist China in 1949. Many people and Christians are Uncertain if the United States and the world are headed towards a one world global communist style government in our lifetime. Only God knows.

While dealing with these or any Uncertainties, remember Psalms 68:19 says, the God of Heaven daily bears our burdens. And 1Peter 5:7 says to cast all your cares worries, anxieties & burdens, on Jesus, because he cares for you. Meaning we never do life alone or ever bear our burdens by ourselves. It just feels that way from time to time. We can be certain God helps to carry our Life’s Luggage of cares, worries, fears & doubts, like a bellman carries your luggage in a hotel, to lighten your load. During times of Uncertainties, let God carry your Life’s Luggage of fears & doubts, because he wants to, and because he cares about you.

2 Timothy1:7 says,God hasn’t given us a Spirit of fear, but of Love, power and a sound mind. If fear is a “spirit” (a spiritual attitude) where does it come from? It comes from Satan, who Jesus said in John8:44 “is a Liar, who Lies, there is No Truth in him. He is the Father of Lies.” Satan is where all Lies, Untruths, Uncertainties, Deceptions, Misdirection, Wickedness, Evil and Insecurities come from. Our fears and doubts things won’t work out, come from Satan who whispers Lies into our mind, that are Untrue because Satan can’t ever tell the truth about anything. He plays Mind Games and Shadow Games with us, getting us upset and worried about things that are not there, to scare us, to dominate us, to destroy our rest, and to distract us from what God wants us to focus our faith on. When you’re uncertain, don’t let Satan play mind games with you. Think with the Mind of Christ that 1Corinthians 2:16 says we have. If you’re a believer and follower of Jesus, when Satan tells you, you can’t win, be certain he’s lying and tell him you can’t lose!

In Psalms 37:7-11 God says, to “Not Fear when the wicked carry out their schemes. For this only leads to evil. Those who are evil will be destroyed. But those who Hope in Lord will inherit the land. A little while and the wicked will be no more. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace & prosperity”

Time is a Relative. To some it seems short. To others too long, like it’s “taking forever!” When wicked people do evil things trust God and give God time to work. God holds evil people accountable and deals with them according to his justice. Which more people should be truly fearful of, but they’re listening to the lies Satan is whispering into their mind about how they can do life alone apart from God (Secular Humanism).

In Isaiah 41:10 God says, "Do Not Fear for I am with you. Do not anxiously look around you for I am God. I will Strengthen you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.” And Isaiah 26:4 says, “Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord himself is the Solid Rock Eternal.”

When I was young and dumb, my friends and I used to walk out during summer storms on this long concrete pier to a lighthouse on Lake Michigan. The wind would whip around. The waves would crash on it and against it but wasn’t ever able to crush it or move it. It was holding us up, like God holds us up with his righteous right hand; solid, steady, sturdy, and strong. During uncertain times remember a great old hymn called, “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand!” It’s a great song of Certainty for Uncertain times.

Mark 16:18 says, when believers (accidentally or are forced to) drink deadly poison, it will not harm them. Interpret that how you will. In Luke 8:17 & 12:2 Jesus said, there is nothing hidden that will not be made known. Nothing concealed that will not be brought into the open. Nothing in the darkness that will not be brought into the light. And Romans 8:28 promises that God turns bad into good for those who love him and lives according to his purposes.

Which means God eventually blows clouds of uncertainties away and brings everything into clear light of his presence and justice. Sometimes we must Endure tough times to Enjoy the good that God eventually turns the bad into for those who are called and continue to live according to his purposes, during uncertain times.

The one redeemable quality of Uncertainty is it forces us to decide what we’re Certain about. We have ample evidence throughout the Bible to be certain of God’s love, his power, supremacy, and sovereign ability to protect, provide for, save, rescue, and cause Christians to endure through and prosper after, uncertain times. It’s during Uncertain times that you need the Certainties of your faith in God, and your freedoms both earthly and eternally.

Humanity is on a collision course with Eschatology in Revelation. Until it gets there, continue to enjoy, and exercise your freedoms and your faith in God based on the Bible and in our Bill of Rights and Constitution, in Jesus’ name!

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