Rory Grooters is an engaging and effective communicator with a history of proven character, integrity and loving leadership of staff development and congregational growth. For consecutive years, he was awarded “one of the most listen to Gospel programs” on two Golden West radio stations.
Rory's vision is to reach people with the Gospel of HOPE in Jesus Christ, in a classic contemporary, biblically based, socially minded and intentionally Christian culture, emphasizing excellence in everything, equipping people to serve God by serving people in church and in communities, focusing on multigenerational families (traditional, blended & single parent), with contagious generosity, and Small Groups so people experience a life change in the power of God's Holy Spirit.
Rory is ordained with the Assemblies of God with an interdenominational experience, appreciation and approach to Christianity and ministry. Rory was a member and Vice President of an interdenominational ministerial organization for several years. And is familiar with and agreeing with many conservative Christian Statements of Fatih and has a wide appreciation for many evangelical theological authors, speakers, preachers and leaders, across several Christian denominations and fellowships.
Rory is a people person who wants to understand before being understood. He laughs easily and is easy to talk with. He's loving in leadership, setting clear vision with goals for himself, his staff, student's, and congregation. He preaches expository messages with contemporary relevance and application, and encourages creative thinking and dreaming big, collaborating with staff, Deacons/Elders and leaders in developing and implementing vision because “there is wisdom in the counsel of many” Proverbs 15:22. He's led congregations of 500 with multiple services, multiple paid and volunteer staff, balancing large budgets while developing and maintaining meaningful ministries. He's led two congregations in culture changes that resulted in renewed vision, enthusiasm, growth and effectiveness.
Rory has led many to faith in Jesus Christ as a person and Pastor.“As Christians we're here to love people into the kingdom of God, not judge them.” -RG
For eight years, Rory taught accredited bachelor level courses In New Testament Theology at Impact School of Leadership and The Assemblies of God Wisconsin District School of Ministry, where his students usually averaged 87% or higher.
"Excellence in the weekend worship services is a must, because that's when most people, Christians and non-Christians, attend." -RG
"Offering people genuine, authentic H.O.P.E. in Jesus Christ is accomplished by Happy Honesty, Outgoing optimism, Peaceful positivity, and Engaging enthusiasm and evangelism, from the greeters in the parking lot & at the doors, to ushers & people next to you as well as people on the platform and in the Children's ministry, to Small Groups & Support Groups, to opportunities to generously give our time, talents, treasures and tithe, serving in church and in the community through opportunities like“Drive Thru Prayer", “Ronald McDonald House”, and other similar community outreaches." -RG
Rory is highly recommended as a leader, teacher, Pastor and preacher and welcomes you to contact him or any of his references.